22 oktober, 2024

Global SEO

Improve regional markets with global SEO services

SEO or ‘Search Engine Optimization’ are techniques and strategies used to optimize search engine rankings. In order to ensure that your regional markets obtain high rankings in search results, you should consider factors such as cultural relevance and linguistic nuances. That is why you should use global SEO services.

‘Search Engine Optimization’ (SEO), comprises different techniques used to obtain a high-ranking position in the search results page of search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. In order to increase traffic in your website and improve the online presence of your business in the search-engine results, you must know exactly which aspects affect that result. This is the only way to achieve users actually clicking on your website links and visiting it.

Nevertheless, due to SEO’s dimension, it is required specialist knowledge. This area of expertise is constantly changing, with Google leading this change. So, to optimize your SEO results, you need someone who fully understands how the organic search-results works, how Google’s algorithm changes over time and who is truly prepared to make quick relocations if anything varies. Obviously, high ranking does not magically occur throughout a night, nor is just “pushing a button” thing, on the contrary it requires a huge amount of work to obtain high relevancy. This is the main reason why most companies decide to lease this service, so that they can just focus on their core-business. So, to make sure you are using the right SEO service and that your partner is serious and efficient, they must tell you what things you need to prioritize to obtain relevant listings, which hopefully will also result in more views and visits to your website.

Being relevant to the user

Obtaining high rankings in organic search-results is based on what the search engine considers relevant information for the person who is making the search. What is relevant for each user differs a lot, as it can depend for example on the geographical location from where the search has been made. If your company has an SEO strategy in one region, it does not necessarily have to work in another region. As well as, the information included in your website may not be attractive to users around the world.

International or Global SEO services

The specialized area ‘International SEO services’ or ‘Global SEO services’, is focused in optimizing your SEO strategy in different parts of the world and various languages to improve the results. So, if you want to translate your webpage into another language, it is necessary to take into an account the cultural context and SEO factors. At the end, the most important aspect, is that the website clearly communicates to the search engines what is the relevant information for that specific search in that particular region and time.

So, it is clear that the ranking factors are different according to each region, as well as that every international audience have different search trends. With geo-targeting content, there will be certain keywords or buzzwords, which will be shown to each audience in an specific region for a certain time. These keywords are chosen by the way in which every target group conducts its searches within the search engines, that is, ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ they type in the search field. Being aware of this is the way to get relevant traffic in your website in every market, because search engines give a high score to those websites, whose information is considered relevant to the search. To get a high ranking on major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, you need people working on it who really understand how it works. In non-English speaking markets, knowledge in other search engines such as Baidu, Yandex and Naver could be relevant as well. For most companies, traffic to the website equals profits. So make sure your SEO services are internationally focused, you will not regret it.

Webbstream Stockholm AB has a trackrecord of helping local and international ventures on a Swedish market regarding SEO. Visit webbstream.se.